Search Page for Evaluation Reports

Type of Assistance
Technical Cooperation
ODA Loan
Grant Aid

13 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
T2011Ex-post Evaluation2019ChileSocial Infrastructure / GeneralResearch Project on Enhancement of Technology to Develop Tsunami-Resilient Community242KB
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2011ChileHealth / Health CareProject for Strengthening of the National Food Safety Program288KB
T2005Terminal Evaluation2008ChileHealth / Health CareProject for Strengthening the National Food Safety Program 167KB
T2003Terminal Evaluation2005ChileDevelopment Planning / GeneralStrengthening the Japan-Chile Partnership Programme (JCPP)38KB
T2002Terminal Evaluation2006ChileMiningProject for Institutional Capacity Strengthening in the Environmental Management of Mining (FOCIGAM) 104KB
T2002Ex-post Evaluation2009ChileMiningThe Project for Strengthening Institutional Capacity of Mining Environmental Management70KB
T2000Terminal Evaluation2005ChileHealth / Health CareRehabilitation Project for Persons with Disabilities 114KB
T1999Terminal Evaluation2002ChileForestry / Forest PreservationIntegral Management of Watershed with an Emphasis on Soil and Water Conservation(Overseas Training)102KB
T1999Ex-post Evaluation2009ChileAgriculture / GeneralThe Project on Conservation of the Environment and Rural Development with Farmers' Participation for the Mediterranean Dryland Zone of Chile in the Republic of Chile82KB
T1998Terminal Evaluation2001ChileFisheriesInternational Training Course on Molluscan Aquaculture Engineering(Overseas Training)90KB
T1998Terminal Evaluation2000ChileFisheriesThe Development of Benthonic Resources Aquaculture Project94KB
T1995Terminal Evaluation2001ChileEnvironment IssueThe National Center for Environment Project96KB
L1992Ex-post Monitoring2006ChileRail TransportRailway Rehabilitation Project147KB