Search Page for Evaluation Reports

Type of Assistance
Technical Cooperation
ODA Loan
Grant Aid

33 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
T2001Terminal Evaluation2004MexicoAgriculture / GeneralProject for Agricultural Development in Desert Lands in Mexico(Development Partnership Program)110KB
T2001Ex-post Evaluation2009MexicoLivestock SanitationThe Project for the Improvement of Regional Veterinary Diagnostic Services in Jalisco State64KB
T2001Terminal Evaluation2006MexicoLivestock SanitationThe Project for the Improvement of Regional Veterinary Diagnostic Services in Jalisco State 975KB
T2000Terminal Evaluation2002MexicoDevelopment Planning / GeneralTechnical Cooperation Project for the Reinforcement of DGCTC and the Development of South-South Cooperation95KB
T1999Terminal Evaluation2002MexicoBasic HealthcareInternational Training Course on Reproductive Health(Overseas Training)94KB
T1998Terminal Evaluation2003MexicoAgricultural MachineryThe Agricultural Machinery Test and Evaluation Project in Mexico179KB
T1997Terminal Evaluation2001MexicoEnvironment IssueThe National Center for Environmental Research and Training (phase 2)165KB
T1997Terminal Evaluation2001MexicoIndustry / GeneralThe Project on Engineering and Industrial Development Center for Small and Medium Scale Industries in Queretaro State138KB
T1996Terminal Evaluation2001MexicoLaborTechnical Cooperation for the Refinery Safety Training Center95KB
L2020Ex-Ante Evaluation2020MexicoBanking / FinanceMicrofinance Project for Women-owned Businesses170KB
L2019Ex-Ante Evaluation2019MexicoNew / Renewable EnergyPhotovoltaic Power Generation Project in Mexico44KB
L1999Ex-post Evaluation2013MexicoWater Supply、SewerageBaja California Water Supply and Sanitation Project1MB
L1990Ex-post Monitoring2005MexicoEnvironment IssueThe Mexico City Sulfur Dioxide Emission Reduction Project136KB156KB