Search Page for Evaluation Reports

118 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2011ChileHealth / Health CareProject for Strengthening of the National Food Safety Program288KB
T2006Terminal Evaluation2011ChinaHealth / Health CareProject for Surveillance and Control for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases 61KB
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2011ChinaHealth / Health CareHospital Infection Control Project in Guangzhou383KB
T2002Ex-post Evaluation2011ChinaEnvironment IssueThe Sino-Japan Friendship Center for Environmental Protection Project Phase 3376KB
T2001Ex-post Evaluation2011ChinaForestry / Forest PreservationThe Japan-China Cooperation Science and Technology Center for Forest Tree Improvement Project350KB
T2006Terminal Evaluation2011Costa RicaSocial Welfare ServicesReinforcement of the Integral System of Rehabilitation with Community Participation in Brunca Region of Republic of Costa Rica, with focus on Human Security Project 271KB
T2002Ex-post Evaluation2011Costa RicaFisheriesProject on Sustainable Fisheries Management for the Gulf of Nicoya231KB
T2008Terminal Evaluation2011CubaWater Resources DevelopmentCapacity Development on Groundwater Development and Management for Climate Change Adaptation 97KB
T2009Terminal Evaluation2011Dominican RepublicUrban SanitationProject for Appropriate Waste Management in Santo Domingo de Guzman, National District 313KB
T2008Terminal Evaluation2011EcuadorVocational TrainingProject on Strengthening of the Occupational Training for the Vulnerable Sector 241KB
T2004Ex-post Evaluation2011EcuadorWeather / EarthquakesProject for Enhancement of the Volcano Monitoring Capacity 267KB
T2004Ex-post Evaluation2011EcuadorEnvironment IssueProject on Conservation of the Galapagos Marine Reserve531KB
T2008Terminal Evaluation2011El SalvadorWater SupplyThe Project for Capacity Development of ANDA for Operational Improvement 2MB
T2008Terminal Evaluation2011El SalvadorVocational TrainingThe Project for the Strengthening of Teaching Quality of MEGATEC La Union 353KB
T2007Terminal Evaluation2011El SalvadorAgriculture / GeneralSupporting the small-scale farmeres in the Eastern Region299KB
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2011El SalvadorUrban SanitationThe project on Integrated Solid Waste Management for Municipalities in El Salvador286KB
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2011EthiopiaAgriculture / GeneralProject for Irrigation Farming Improvement804KB
T2006Ex-post Evaluation2011GhanaTourism / GeneralThe Tourism Development Project Through Strengthening Public-Private Partnership229KB
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2011GhanaPrimary EducationProject to Support the Operationalisation of the In-Service Training Policy259KB
T2004Ex-post Evaluation2011GhanaForestry / Forest PreservationParticipatory Forest Resource Management Project in the Transitional Zone224KB