Search Page for Evaluation Reports

128 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
T2004Ex-post Evaluation2014MyanmarPrimary EducationStrengthening the Child-Centered Approach (Phase 1)549KB
T2011Terminal Evaluation2014NepalGovernment / GeneralProject for Strengthening the Monitoring and Evaluation System in Nepal Phase II (SMES2) 336KB
T2009Terminal Evaluation2014NepalEnvironment IssueParticipatory Watershed Management and Local Governance Project (PWMLGP) 681KB
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2014NicaraguaForestry / Forest PreservationParticipatory Forest Management442KB
T2009Terminal Evaluation2014NigeriaWater SupplyProject for Project for the Function of RWSSC for Capacity Development in NWRI 219KB
T2009Terminal Evaluation2014PakistanElectrical PowerThe Project for Improvement of Training Capacity on Grid System Operation and Maintenance 420KB
T2008Ex-post Evaluation2014PakistanEnvironment IssueThe Project for Establishment of Environmental Monitoring System823KB
T2011Terminal Evaluation2014PalestineAgriculture / GeneralThe Project on Improved Extension for Value-Added Agriculture in the Jordan River Rift Valley 40KB
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2014PalestineGovernment / GeneralImprovement in Local Governance System545KB
T2011Terminal Evaluation2014Papua New GuineaAgriculture / GeneralProject on Promotion of Smallholder Rice Production (Phase 2) 369KB
T2011Terminal Evaluation2014PhilippinesRoadsImprovement of Quality Management for Highway and Bridge Construction and Maintenance, Phase 2208KB
T2011Terminal Evaluation2014PhilippinesAgriculture / GeneralSeason-Long Rice Farming Extension Training (Overseas Training)430KB
T2010Terminal Evaluation2014PhilippinesForestry / Forest PreservationProject on Integrated Coastal Ecosystem Conservation and Adaptive Management under Local and Global Environmental Impacts in the Philippines (SATREPS)137KB
T2010Terminal Evaluation2014PhilippinesHealth / Health CareThe Project for Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis in the Philippines 436KB
T2009Ex-post Evaluation2014PhilippinesTourism / GeneralCapacity Development on Tourism Statistics In Local Government Units365KB
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2014PhilippinesWater SupplySmall Water District Improvement project401KB
T2012Terminal Evaluation2014RwandaSecondary EducationProject of Strengthening School-based Collaborative Teacher Training (SBCT) 134KB
T2007Ex-post Evaluation2014RwandaPublic Utilities / GeneralThe Project for Improvement of Water Supply and Sanitation in Southern Part of Eastern Province320KB
T2007Ex-post Evaluation2014SenegalAgriculture / GeneralProject for Sustainable Rural Development1MB
T2009Ex-post Evaluation2014SerbiaMeasurement / MapThe Project for Development of Digital Basic State Mapping in Serbia267KB