Search Page for Evaluation Reports

Type of Assistance
Technical Cooperation
ODA Loan
Grant Aid

941 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
L2006Ex-Ante Evaluation2006IndonesiaElectrical PowerNorth-West Sumatra Inter-connector Transmission Line Construction Project49KB
L2006Ex-Ante Evaluation2006IndonesiaElectrical PowerPeusangan Hydroelectric Power Plant Construction Project57KB
L2006Ex-Ante Evaluation2006IndonesiaElectrical PowerPLN Operation Improvement System Project for Supporting Generation Facilities55KB
L2006Ex-Ante Evaluation2006IndonesiaRail TransportRailway Double Tracking on Java South Line Project(III)(Engineering Services)39KB
L2006Ex-Ante Evaluation2006IndonesiaRegional Development PlanningRegional Infrastructure for Social and Economic Development Project58KB
L2005Ex-Ante Evaluation2005IndonesiaElectrical PowerAsahan No. 3 Hydroelectric Power Plant Construction Project45KB
L2005Ex-Ante Evaluation2005IndonesiaDevelopment Planning / GeneralDevelopment Policy Loan II101KB
L2005Ex-Ante Evaluation2005IndonesiaElectrical PowerEngineering Services for Kamojang Geothermal Power Plant Extension Project37KB
L2005Ex-Ante Evaluation2005IndonesiaRivers / Erosion ControlIntegrated Water Resources and Flood Management Project for Semarang56KB
L2005Ex-Ante Evaluation2005IndonesiaHigher EducationProfessional Human Resource Development Project III43KB
L2005Ex-Ante Evaluation2005IndonesiaRoadsTanjung Priok Access Road Construction Project (II)47KB
L2023Ex-Ante Evaluation2023KazakhstanBanking / FinanceSupport Project for Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises250KB
L2010Ex-Ante Evaluation2010KazakhstanRoadsCAREC Transport Corridor (Zhambyl Oblast) Improvement Project87KB
L2015Ex-Ante Evaluation2015Kyrgyz RepublicRoadsInternational Main Roads Improvement Project89KB
L2022Ex-Ante Evaluation2022LaosNew / Renewable EnergyMonsoon Wind Power Project109KB
L2015Ex-Ante Evaluation2015LaosWater SupplyVientiane Capital Water Supply Expansion Project166KB
L2013Ex-Ante Evaluation2013LaosElectrical PowerNam Ngum 1 Hydropower Station Expansion Project36KB
L2013Ex-Ante Evaluation2013LaosAir Transport / AirportsVientiane International Airport Terminal Expansion Project247KB
L2011Ex-Ante Evaluation2011LaosElectrical PowerSouthern Region Power System Improvement Project35KB
L2009Ex-Ante Evaluation2009LaosDevelopment Planning / GeneralBudget Strengthening Support Loan91KB