Search Page for Evaluation Reports

Type of Assistance
Technical Cooperation
ODA Loan
Grant Aid

19 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
T2011Ex-post Evaluation2019PanamaFisheriesComparative Studies of the Reproductive Biology and Early Life History of Two Tuna Species Yellowfin Tuna and Pacific Bluefin Tuna for the Sustainable Use of These Resources343KB
T2008Ex-post Evaluation2015PanamaEnvironment IssueThe Water Quality Monitoring Techniques Project (Phase II)433KB
T2007Ex-post Evaluation2018PanamaSeweragePanama Metropolitan Area Wastewater Management Improvement Project1MB
T2006Terminal Evaluation2010PanamaForestry / Forest PreservationProject for the Participatory Community Development and Integrated Management of the Alhajuela Lake Subwatershed 116KB
T2006Terminal Evaluation2009PanamaEnvironment IssueThe Project for Improvement of Solid Waste Management for the Municipality of Panama in the Republic of Panama 296KB
T2006Ex-post Evaluation2012PanamaEnvironment IssueThe Project for Improvement of Solid Waste Management in the Municipality of Panama312KB
T2006Ex-post Evaluation2015PanamaForestry / Forest PreservationThe Project for Participatory Community Development and Integrated Management of the Alhajuela Lake Subwatershed355KB
T2003Terminal Evaluation2006PanamaAgriculture / GeneralProject for Sustainable Rural Village Development and Dissemination Plan in Mountainous Area 191KB
T2003Ex-post Evaluation2009PanamaAgriculture / GeneralThe Sustainable Agricultural Training and Extension Project in Rural Areas in the Republic of Panama74KB
T2003Terminal Evaluation2006PanamaEnvironment IssueWater Quality Monitoring Techniques Project 56KB
T2000Ex-post Evaluation2008PanamaForestry / Forest PreservationPanama Canal Watershed Conservation Project70KB
T2000Terminal Evaluation2005PanamaForestry / Forest PreservationPanama Canal Watershed Conservation Project (PROCCAPA) 40KB
T1998Terminal Evaluation2001PanamaWater Transport / ShipsOutboard Motor Maintenance and Repair(Overseas Training)89KB
T1998Terminal Evaluation2002PanamaLivestock IndustryThe Cattle Productivity Improvement Project93KB
L2024Ex-Ante Evaluation2024PanamaUrban TransportPanama Metropolitan Area Urban Transportation Line-3 Development Project(Ⅲ)268KB
L2022Ex-Ante Evaluation2022PanamaRail Transport、Urban TransportPanama Metropolitan Area Urban Transportation Line-3 Development Project (II)427KB
L2016Ex-Ante Evaluation2016PanamaRail TransportPanama Metropolitan Area Urban Transportation Line-3 Development Project (I)60KB
L2007Ex-post Evaluation2018PanamaSeweragePanama City and Panama Bay Sanitation Project1MB
L2007Ex-Ante Evaluation2007PanamaSeweragePanama City and Panama Bay Sanitation Project26KB