Search Page for Evaluation Reports

Type of Assistance
Technical Cooperation
ODA Loan
Grant Aid

923 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
T2005Terminal Evaluation2009LaosHealth / Health CareProject for Human Resources Development for Nursing/Midwifery 148KB
T2005Terminal Evaluation2007LaosHealth / Health CareThe Project for Strengthening Medical Logistics in the Lao PDR 77KB
T2004Terminal Evaluation2009LaosFisheriesAquaculture Improvement and Extension Project Phase II (AQIP2) 99KB
T2004Terminal Evaluation2006LaosElectrical PowerLao Electric Power Technical Standard Promotion Project 210KB
T2004Terminal Evaluation2007LaosGovernment / GeneralProject for Capacity Building in Public Investment Program (PIP) Management 105KB
T2003Terminal Evaluation2008LaosForestry / Forest PreservationForest Management and Community Support Project (FORCOM) 348KB
T2003Terminal Evaluation2004LaosDevelopment Planning / GeneralMacroeconomic Policy Support for Socio-Economic Development in the Lao PDR Phase 2 500KB
T2003Terminal Evaluation2005LaosHigher EducationProject for the Upgrading IT Education (Information Technology Bridging Course) 269KB
T2002Terminal Evaluation2007LaosHealth / Health CareProject for Strengthening Health Services for Children 34KB
T2002Terminal Evaluation2005LaosOthersReading Promotion Project (Development Partnership Program)113KB
T2000Terminal Evaluation2004LaosHuman Resources / GeneralLao-Japan Human Resource Cooperation Center Project 39KB
T2000Terminal Evaluation2004LaosHigher EducationThe Project for the Development of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the National University of Laos108KB
T2000Terminal Evaluation2002LaosElectrical PowerThe Project on Electric Power Technical Standard Establishment90KB
T1999Terminal Evaluation2004LaosHealth / Health CareProject for the Improvement of Sethathirath Hospital (SH)108KB
T1998Terminal Evaluation2001LaosHealth / Health CarePediatric Infectious Disease Prevention Project94KB
T1998Terminal Evaluation2002LaosForestry / Forest PreservationThe Forest Conservation and Afforestation Project Phase 299KB
T1997Terminal Evaluation2002LaosAgriculture / GeneralThe Agricultural and Rural Development Project in Vientiane Province in the Lao People's Democratic Republic Phase II92KB
T2013Terminal Evaluation2016MalaysiaEnvironment IssueProject on Sustainable Development for Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conservation in Sabah 901KB
T2013Terminal Evaluation2017MalaysiaHigher EducationTechnical Cooperation Project for Development Project of Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology 520KB
T2007Terminal Evaluation2012MalaysiaEnvironment IssueProgramme for Bornean Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conservation (BBEC) Phase 2 1MB