Search Page for Evaluation Reports

Type of Assistance
Technical Cooperation
ODA Loan
Grant Aid

34 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
T2016Ex-post Evaluation2023NicaraguaSecondary EducationProject for the Friendly Learning of Mathematics in Secondary Education312KB
T2015Ex-post Evaluation2022NicaraguaHealth / Health CareMaternal and Child Health Project at SILAIS Chontales and SILAIS Zelaya Central384KB
T2015Ex-post Evaluation2020NicaraguaUrban Planning / Land DevelopmentProject for Urban Development Master Plan for Managua City485KB
T2013Ex-post Evaluation2021NicaraguaAgriculture / GeneralVocational Training Improvement Project in Agricultural and Livestock Sector419KB
T2012Ex-post Evaluation2018NicaraguaTransportation / Traffic / GeneralThe Project for the Study of National Transport Plan in the Republic of Nicaragua536KB
T2011Ex-post Evaluation2019NicaraguaSocial Welfare ServicesThe Project for Enhancing Integrated Service Delivery for Social Risk Prevention and Attention for Families and Communities292KB
T2009Terminal Evaluation2013NicaraguaHealth / Health CareChagas' Disease Control Project 568KB
T2009Ex-post Evaluation2018NicaraguaHealth / Health CareStrengthening of Activities of Survey and Control for Chagas Disease379KB
T2007Terminal Evaluation2011NicaraguaAgriculture / GeneralProject for Improvement of Living Standard through Promotion of the Farming Production in the Indigenous / Ethnic-Communities of Puerto Cabezas 31KB
T2007Ex-post Evaluation2016NicaraguaAgriculture / GeneralProject for Improvement of Living Standard through Promotion of the Farming Production in the Indigenous/Ethnic-Communities of Puerto Cabezas378KB
T2007Ex-post Evaluation2015NicaraguaAgriculture / GeneralProject on Diffusion of the Sustainable Agricultural Technology for Small Farmers657KB
T2007Terminal Evaluation2012NicaraguaAgriculture / GeneralProject on Diffusion of the Sustainable Agricultural Technology for Small Farmers 340KB
T2005Terminal Evaluation2009NicaraguaLivestock IndustryImprovement of Cattle Productivity for Small and Medium Scale Farmers Project 367KB
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2013NicaraguaLivestock IndustryImprovement of Cattle Productivity for Small and Medium Scale Farmers Project in the Republic of Nicaragua307KB
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2014NicaraguaForestry / Forest PreservationParticipatory Forest Management442KB
T2005Terminal Evaluation2009NicaraguaPopulation / Family PlanningProject for Strengthening Adolescent Reproductive Health in the Republic of Nicaragua 50KB
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2012NicaraguaPopulation / Family PlanningProject to strengthening Adolescent Reproductive Health279KB
T2002Terminal Evaluation2005NicaraguaAgriculture / GeneralStrengthening of the Integrated Pest Management in the Northwest Region in Nicaragua 55KB
L2017Ex-Ante Evaluation2017NicaraguaRoadsRio Blanco-Siuna Bridges and National Road Construction Project63KB
L2013Ex-Ante Evaluation2013NicaraguaEnergy / GeneralNational Sustainable Electrification and Renewable Energy Project103KB