Search Page for Evaluation Reports

Type of Assistance
Technical Cooperation
ODA Loan
Grant Aid

49 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
T2016Ex-post Evaluation2021BoliviaUrban TransportUrban Transport Improvement Master Plan Project for Santa Cruz de la Sierra Metropolitan Area324KB
T2015Ex-post Evaluation2023BoliviaPopulation / Family PlanningMother and Child Health Network Improvement Project in Oruro481KB
T2015Ex-post Evaluation2022BoliviaRegional Development PlanningProject for Promotion on Development of Sustainable Basic Infrastructure in Southwest of Potosí502KB
T2013Ex-post Evaluation2021BoliviaHealth / Health CareMaternal and Child Health Network Improvement Project in Potosi299KB
T2013Terminal Evaluation2017BoliviaHealth / Health CareMaternal and Child Health Network Improvement Project in Potosi 604KB
T2012Ex-post Evaluation2020BoliviaAgriculture / GeneralProject of Capacity Development for Agriculture with Irrigation465KB
T2010Ex-post Evaluation2017BoliviaHealth / Health CareProject for Strengthening Health Network in Rural Region Focusing on Mother and Child Health390KB
T2010Ex-post Evaluation2018BoliviaWater Resources DevelopmentProject for the Study on the Impact of Glacier Retreat on Water Resource Availability for the Cities of La Paz and El Alto417KB
T2010Terminal Evaluation2014BoliviaWater Resources DevelopmentStudy on Impact of Glacier Retreat on Water Resource Availability for cities of La Paz and El Alto 445KB
T2009Ex-post Evaluation2017BoliviaAgriculture / GeneralProject of Establishment of Implementation System of Sustainable Rural Development Phase 2939KB
T2009Ex-post Evaluation2017BoliviaAgriculture / GeneralProject of Value-added Agriculture and Forestry for Improvement of the Livelihood of Small scale farmers in Northern La Paz1MB
T2009Terminal Evaluation2013BoliviaAgriculture / GeneralThe Project of Establishment of Implementation System for Sustainable Rural Development Phase II(hereafter referred to as the Project) 583KB
T2008Ex-post Evaluation2014BoliviaRoadsThe Project for Capacity Development of Road Disaster Prevention and Bridge Management and Maintenance1MB
T2008Terminal Evaluation2011BoliviaRoadsThe Project for Capacity Development of Road Disaster Prevention and Bridge Management and Maintenance 91KB
T2008Terminal Evaluation2011BoliviaWater SupplyWater is Health and Life "Phase 2" 47KB
T2008Ex-post Evaluation2015BoliviaWater SupplyWater is Health and Life (Phase 2)605KB
T2007Ex-post Evaluation2016BoliviaAgriculture / GeneralProject for Rural Development in Altiplano Central503KB
T2005Terminal Evaluation2009BoliviaAgriculture / GeneralThe Technological Center on Agriculture and Livestock in Bolivia (CETABOL) Phase II 147KB
T2005Ex-post Evaluation2012BoliviaAgriculture / GeneralThe Technological Center on Agriculture and Livestock in the Republic of Bolivia (CETABOL) Phase II Project320KB
T2004Terminal Evaluation2008BoliviaLivestock IndustryProject for the Improvement of Technical Extension for Small-Scale Livestock Farmers 301KB