Search Page for Evaluation Reports

801 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
G2008Ex-post Evaluation2014Solomon IslandsHealth / Health CareProject for the Reconstruction of Gizo Hospital1MB
G2006Ex-post Evaluation2011Solomon IslandsElectrical PowerThe Project for the Improvement of the Honiara Power Supply348KB
G2006Ex-post Evaluation2011Solomon IslandsRoadsThe Project for the Reconstruction of Bridges in East Guadalcanal277KB
G2004Ex-post Evaluation2009Solomon IslandsFisheriesThe Project for Rehabilitation of the Domestic Tuna Fishery in the Solomon Islands48KB
G2004Ex-post Evaluation2009Solomon IslandsAir Transport / AirportsThe Project for Restoration of International Airport in the Solomon Islands47KB
G2004Ex-post Evaluation2009South AfricaHealth / Health CareThe Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Primary Health Care Institutes in Eastern Cape Province377KB
G2004Ex-post Evaluation2011South AfricaHealth / Health CareThe Project for the Improvement of Health Facilities in Limpopo Province106KB
G2016Ex-post Evaluation2021Sri LankaWater Transport / ShipsThe Project for the Maritime Safety Capability Improvement1MB
G2012Ex-post Evaluation2017Sri LankaWater Transport / ShipsThe Project for Construction of a Dredger298KB
G2012Ex-post Evaluation2021Sri LankaWater Supplythe Project for Rehabilitation of Kilinochchi Water Supply Scheme274KB
G2012Ex-post Evaluation2018Sri LankaRoadsThe Project for the Development of Intelligent Transport System for Expressways in Sri Lanka366KB
G2010Ex-post Evaluation2016Sri LankaTransportation / Traffic / General、Road TransportThe Project for Reconstruction of 5 Bridges in Eastern Province450KB
G2009Ex-post Evaluation2015Sri LankaHealth / Health Care、Human Resources / GeneralThe Project for the Improvement of Central Functions of Jaffna Teaching Hospital1MB
G2008Ex-post Evaluation2013Sri LankaHealth / Health CareThe Project for Improvement of Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital6MB
G2008Ex-post Evaluation2013Sri LankaHealth / Health CareThe Project for Improvement of Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital (Phase II)6MB
G2007Ex-post Evaluation2012Sri LankaRoadsThe Project for Construction of New Mannar Bridge and Improvement of Causeway1MB
G2007Ex-post Evaluation2012Sri LankaWeather / EarthquakesThe Project for Improvement of Meteorological and Disaster Information Network326KB
G2005Ex-post Evaluation2011Sri LankaRoadsThe Project for the Construction of a New Highway Bridge at Manampitiya613KB
G2004Ex-post Evaluation2009Sri LankaSewerageThe Project for the Upgrading of the Sewer Cleaning Equipment in Colombo City66KB
G2003Ex-post Evaluation2009Sri LankaWater SupplyThe Project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Matara District463KB