Search Page for Evaluation Reports

801 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
G2006Ex-post Evaluation2013TanzaniaWater SupplyThe Project for Zanzibar Urban Water Supply Development777KB
G2005Ex-post Evaluation2014TanzaniaHealth / Health CareProject for HIV/AIDS Control in Tanzania (I/II)403KB
G2004Ex-post Evaluation2009TanzaniaHealth / Health CareThe Project for Infectious Disease Control Phase 274KB
G2003Ex-post Evaluation2017TanzaniaRoadsThe Project for Construction of Rusumo International Bridge and One Stop Border Post Facilities902KB
G2003Ex-post Evaluation2010TanzaniaWater SupplyThe Project for Rural Water Supply in Lindi and Mtwara Regions280KB
G2012Ex-post Evaluation2018ThailandRivers / Erosion ControlThe Flood Prevention Project of East Side of the Pasak River in Ayutthaya828KB
G2012Ex-post Evaluation2018ThailandRoadsThe Rehabilitation Project of the Outer Bangkok Ring Road690KB
G2016Ex-post Evaluation2022Timor-LesteTransportation / Traffic / GeneralThe Project for Urgent Relocation of Ferry Terminal in Dili Port1028KB
G2014Ex-post Evaluation2021Timor-LesteTransportation / Traffic / GeneralThe Project for Construction of Upriver Comoro Bridge4MB
G2013Ex-post Evaluation2020Timor-LesteAgricultural EngineeringProject for Rehabilitation and Improvement of Buluto Irrigation Scheme2MB
G2012Ex-post Evaluation2018Timor-LesteRivers / Erosion ControlThe Project for River Training for the Protection of Mola Bridge630KB
G2010Ex-post Evaluation2016Timor-LestePortsThe Oecusse Port Urgent Rehabilitation Project488KB
G2010Ex-post Evaluation2022Timor-LesteNew / Renewable EnergyThe Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System435KB
G2010Ex-post Evaluation2015Timor-LesteWater Supply、Rivers / Erosion ControlThe Project for Urgent Improvement of Water Supply System in Bemos-Dili (Phase 2)241KB
G2009Ex-post Evaluation2015Timor-LesteWater Resources DevelopmentThe Project for Urgent Improvement of Water Supply System in Bemos-Dili (Phase 1)241KB
G2008Ex-post Evaluation2014Timor-LesteRoadsThe Project for Construction of Mola Bridge274KB
G2007Ex-post Evaluation2012Timor-LesteAgricultural EngineeringThe Project for Rehabilitation and Improvement of Maliana I Irrigation System315KB
G2006Ex-post Evaluation2013Timor-LestePortsThe Project for the Rehabilitation of Dili Port243KB
G2005Ex-post Evaluation2011Timor-LesteWater SupplyThe Project for Improvement of Water Supply in Same and Ainaro556KB
G2004Ex-post Evaluation2009Timor-LesteEducationThe Project for Construction of Primary Schools and Junior High Schools64KB