Search Page for Evaluation Reports

Type of Assistance
Technical Cooperation
ODA Loan
Grant Aid

49 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
L2009Ex-post Evaluation2017PeruAgricultural EngineeringIrrigation Sub-Sector Project778KB
L2009Ex-post Evaluation2015PeruWater Supply、SewerageLima Marginal Areas Sanitary Improvement Project (II)848KB
L2009Ex-Ante Evaluation2009PeruWater Supply、SewerageLima Metropolitan Marginal Areas Sanitary Improvement Project (II)78KB
L2009Ex-post Evaluation2017PeruWater Supply、SewerageNorth Lima Metropolitan Area Water Supply and Sewerage Optimization Project (I)1MB
L2009Ex-Ante Evaluation2009PeruWater Supply、SewerageNorthern Lima Metropolitan Area Water Supply and Sewerage Optimization Project (I)77KB
L2008Ex-post Evaluation2020PeruWater Supply、SewerageCajamarca Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement and Expansion Project993KB
L2008Ex-Ante Evaluation2008PeruWater Supply、SewerageCajamarca Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement and Expansion Project88KB
L2008Ex-post Evaluation2018PeruElectrical PowerElectric Frontier Expansion Project (Phase III) (Department of Cajamarca)574KB
L2008Ex-post Evaluation2018PeruElectrical PowerElectric Frontier Expansion Project (Phase III) (Department of Loreto)574KB
L2008Ex-post Evaluation2018PeruSewerageIquitos Sewerage Improvement and Expansion Project2MB
L2008Ex-Ante Evaluation2008PeruSewerageIquitos Sewerage Improvement and Expansion Project59KB
L2000Ex-post Evaluation2015PeruWater Supply、SewerageLima Marginal Areas Sanitary Improvement Project848KB
L2000Ex-post Evaluation2015PeruWater Supply、SewerageProvincial Cities Water Supply and Sewerage Improvement and Expansion Project (Iquitos, Cusco and Sicuani)1MB
L2000Ex-post Evaluation2011PeruAgriculture / General、Agricultural EngineeringSierra-Natural Resources Manag. & Poverty Alleviation (III)3MB
L2000Ex-post Evaluation2009PeruSocial Infrastructure / GeneralSocial Sector Development Project in Sierra Area 2 (FONCODES 2)435KB
L1999Ex-post Evaluation2008PeruRoadsEl Nino-Affected Highway Rehabilitation Project319KB
L1999Ex-post Evaluation2010PeruElectrical PowerElectric Frontier Expansion Project (2) 1MB
L1999Ex-post Evaluation2016PeruWater Supply、SewerageProvincial Cities Water Supply and Sewerage System Improvement and Expansion Project1MB
L1999Ex-post Evaluation2008PeruAgricultural Engineering、Forestry / Forest PreservationSierra-Natural Resources Management & Poverty Alleviation Project (2)7MB
L1997Ex-post Evaluation2010PeruElectrical PowerElectric Frontier Expansion Project (1) 1MB