Search Page for Evaluation Reports

801 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
G2004Ex-post Evaluation2009JordanUrban SanitationThe Project for the Improvement of Solid Waste Management in the Greater Amman (Phase 2)40KB
G1999Terminal Evaluation2001JordanRoadsThe Project for Rehabilitation of Equipment for Central Workshop of Road Construction and Maintenance Machinery87KB
G2013Ex-post Evaluation2019KenyaWater SupplyThe Project for Augmentation of Water Supply System in Narok1040KB
G2013Ex-post Evaluation2018KenyaWater SupplyThe Project for Rural Water Supply in Baringo County410KB
G2011Ex-post Evaluation2016KenyaWater Supply、Water Resources DevelopmentThe Project for Rural Water Supply (Phase II)989KB
G2011Ex-post Evaluation2016KenyaHealth / Health CareThe Project for the Reinforcement of Vaccine Storage in Kenya480KB
G2011Ex-post Evaluation2016KenyaEducation、Secondary EducationThe Project for the Upgrading and Refurbishment of the Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa512KB
G2010Ex-post Evaluation2014KenyaHealth / Health CareThe Project for HIV/AIDS Control in Kenya (III)592KB
G2010Ex-post Evaluation2015KenyaWater SupplyThe Project for Improvement of the Water Supply System in Embu and the Surrounding Area4MB
G2010Ex-post Evaluation2016KenyaUrban TransportThe Project for the Construction of Nairobi Western Ring Roads1MB
G2009Ex-post Evaluation2022KenyaRivers / Erosion Controlthe Programme for Community-based Flood Disaster Management to Adapt to Climate Change in the Nyando River Basin331KB
G2009Ex-post Evaluation2014KenyaWater Resources DevelopmentThe Project for Augmentation of Water Supply System in Kapsabet Town964KB
G2009Ex-post Evaluation2014KenyaHealth / Health CareThe Project for HIV/AIDS Control in Kenya (II)592KB
G2009Ex-post Evaluation2012KenyaHealth / Health CareThe Project for Improvement of District Hospital in the Western Region of the Republic of Kenya (PhaseII)204KB
G2008Ex-post Evaluation2014KenyaHealth / Health CareThe Project for HIV/AIDS Control in Kenya (I)592KB
G2007Ex-post Evaluation2014KenyaHealth / Health CareThe Project for HIV/AIDS Control in Kenya407KB
G2007Ex-post Evaluation2012KenyaHealth / Health CareThe Project for Improvement of District Hospitals in the Western Region of the Republic of Kenya204KB
G2006Ex-post Evaluation2011KenyaWater Resources DevelopmentThe Project for Rural Water Supply305KB
G2004Ex-post Evaluation2009KenyaHealth / Health CareThe Project for Improvement of Facilities for Control of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases at Kenya Medical Research Institute336KB
G2002Ex-post Evaluation2010KenyaTransportation / Traffic / GeneralThe Project for Reconstruction of Athi Bridge and Ikutha Bridge342KB