Search Page for Evaluation Reports

801 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
G2002Ex-post Evaluation2017Sri LankaRoadsThe Project for Construction of Manmunai Bridge586KB
G1998Terminal Evaluation2001Sri LankaEducationThe Project for Improvement of Junior Schools86KB
G2016Ex-post Evaluation2022SudanHealth / Health CareThe Project for the Improvement of Health Care Service in Suburban Area of Khartoum State749KB
G2013Ex-post Evaluation2020SudanEnvironment IssueThe Project for Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Khartoum State686KB
G2012Ex-post Evaluation2020SudanAgricultural EngineeringProject for Upgrading Food Production Infrastructure in the Republic of Sudan993KB
G2011Ex-post Evaluation2016SudanWater Resources DevelopmentThe Project for Improvement of Water Supply System at Kassala City602KB
G2011Ex-post Evaluation2016SudanWater SupplyThe Project for Urgent Improvement of Water Supply Facilities at Kassala City602KB
G2006Ex-post Evaluation2012SurinameFisheriesProject for Construction of Small-Scale Fisheries Center in Paramaribo230KB
G2017Ex-post Evaluation2021TajikistanAir Transport / AirportsThe Project for Improvement of Dushanbe International Airport (Phase 2)920KB
G2017Ex-post Evaluation2022TajikistanElectrical PowerThe Project for Improvement of Substations in Dushanbe529KB
G2016Ex-post Evaluation2022TajikistanRoadsThe Project for Improvement of Equipment for Road Maintenance in Sughd Region and the Eastern Part of Khatlon Region453KB
G2014Ex-post Evaluation2021TajikistanAir Transport / AirportsThe Project for Improvement of Dushanbe International Airport (Phase 1)920KB
G2012Ex-post Evaluation2019TajikistanHealth / Health CareThe Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment and Water Supply and Drainage Facilities for Maternal and Child Health Care Institutions561KB
G2011Ex-post Evaluation2016TajikistanWater Supply、Water Resources DevelopmentThe Project for Improvement of Water Supply in Mir Saiid Alii Khamadoni District of Khatlon Region (Phase II)1MB
G2011Ex-post Evaluation2015TajikistanRoadsThe Project for the Rehabilitation of Kurgan Tyube-Dusti Road (Phase2)746KB
G2010Ex-post Evaluation2017TajikistanRoadsThe Project for Improvement of Equipment for Road Maintenance in Khatlon Region and Districts of Republican Subordination340KB
G2008Ex-post Evaluation2016TajikistanWater Resources Development、Water SupplyThe Project for Improvement of Water Supply in Mir Saiid Alii Khamadoni District of Khatlon Region1MB
G2008Ex-post Evaluation2015TajikistanRoadsThe Project for Rehabilitation of Kurgan Tyube-Dusti Road746KB
G2006Ex-post Evaluation2012TajikistanRoadsThe Project for Improvement of Dusty - Nijiny Pyandzh Road749KB
G2004Ex-post Evaluation2009TajikistanHealth / Health CareThe Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment in Diakov Hospital in Tajikistan46KB