Search Page for Evaluation Reports

801 results.

(Type of Assistance = T:Technical Cooperation, L:ODA Loan, G:Grant Aid)
(Year* = Fiscal Year in Japan)
Type of Assistance Project Start Year* Type of Evaluation Evaluation Year Country Sector / Theme Project Name Report(PDF)
Full Text Summary Third Party Opinion
G2010Ex-post Evaluation2017SenegalEducationProject for Construction of Classrooms for Primary and Secondary Schools in Dakar and Thies Regions792KB
G2009Ex-post Evaluation2014SenegalWater Supply、Water Resources DevelopmentThe Project of Supply of Drinking Water in the region of Tambacounda835KB
G2008Ex-post Evaluation2019SenegalWater Resources DevelopmentThe Program for Emergency Water Supply for Addressing Climate Change for the Republic of Senegal928KB
G2006Ex-post Evaluation2013SenegalEducationThe project for the construction of classrooms of elementary and lower secondary schools311KB
G2005Ex-post Evaluation2010SenegalEducationThe Project of Construction and Equipment of the Training School for Primary School Teachers206KB
G2005Ex-post Evaluation2010SenegalBroadcastingThe Project of Reinforcement of TV broadcasting capacity of Radiodiffusion Télévision Sénégalaise (RTS)263KB
G2004Ex-post Evaluation2011SenegalWater SupplyProject of Water Supply in Rural Area(Projet d'approvisionnement en eau en milieu rural)357KB
G2004Ex-post Evaluation2009SenegalFisheries ProcessingThe Project for the Improvement of Small-scale Fishery Center 79KB
G2010Ex-post Evaluation2014SerbiaHealth / Health CareProject for Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention Capacity Improvement in the Republic of Serbia218KB
G2006Ex-post Evaluation2011SerbiaWater SupplyThe Project for the Improvement of Water Supply System in Belgrade City339KB
G2016Ex-post Evaluation2021SeychellesFisheriesThe Project for Construction of Artisanal Fisheries Facilities in Mahé Island (Phase 2)482KB
G2008Ex-post Evaluation2012SeychellesFisheriesThe Project for Construction of Artisanal Fisheries Facilities in Mahe Island1MB
G2017Ex-post Evaluation2020Sierra LeoneElectrical PowerProject for Urgent Improvement of Power Distribution System in Freetown (Phase 2)1MB
G2013Ex-post Evaluation2020Sierra LeoneElectrical PowerProject for Urgent Improvement of Power Distribution System in Freetown1MB
G2011Ex-post Evaluation2016Sierra LeoneWater Supply、Water Resources DevelopmentThe Project for Establishment of Rural Water Supply System in Kambia Town1MB
G2007Ex-post Evaluation2012Sierra LeoneElectrical PowerProject for Urgent Improvement of Electric Power Supply System in Freetown6MB
G2014Ex-post Evaluation2019Solomon IslandsPortsProject for Improvement of Honiara Port Facilities872KB
G2011Ex-post Evaluation2017Solomon IslandsBroadcastingThe Project for the Improvement of Radio Broadcasting Network for Administration of Disaster Prevention765KB
G2010Ex-post Evaluation2017Solomon IslandsWater SupplyThe Project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Honiara and Auki746KB
G2009Ex-post Evaluation2014Solomon IslandsFisheriesThe Project for Construction of Market and Jetty in Auki678KB